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Examples and Recipes

Update remote data every quarter

Lets query all countries with their goverment form from The API can be - understandably - a little bit sensitive when beating their servers. The queries can be quite expensive. Thats why it wont take too much to get a 429 Too Many Requests.
Lets use Buffy to dampen our wikidata server usage.
As Countries are relatively static concepts we are happy in this scenario, if we only update the request data every quarter.

import json
from buffy.buffypyclient import BuffyPyClient,ReCachingStrategy,RequestCacheConfiguration

# connect to Buffy-server
c = BuffyPyClient(host="localhost", port=8008, ssl=False)

wikidata_query = """
SELECT DISTINCT ?Country ?CountryLabel ?gov_form ?gov_formLabel WHERE {
    ?Country p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q6256;
        wdt:P37 ?official_language ;
        wdt:P297 ?ISO_3166_1_alpha_2_code ;
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
    OPTIONAL { ?Country wdt:P47 ?sharesBorderWith. }
    OPTIONAL { ?Country wdt:P122 ?gov_form. }
    } ORDER BY ?CountryLabel

# define a strategy on server background recaching. 
# This will relieve the server, no matter how often we request the data.
strategy = ReCachingStrategy.age(seconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 92)
# Lets pack the strategy in our Cache config
config = RequestCacheConfiguration(recaching_strategy=strategy, max_cached_unpinned_versions=3)

# create a request
req = c.create_request(
    http_query_params={"format": "json", "query": wikidata_query},
        "user-agent": "MyTestClient",
        "Accept": "application/json",
# save requested file
countries = ""
for chunk in req.download_response_content():
    countries += chunk.decode("utf-8")

The cool thing with ReCachingStrategy.age that reCaching will happen in the background.
So next quarter, when running our code again, the data will allready be available. We dont have to wait for the server to process our query.

Pinning a certain version

The Buffy server will push out older cached version out of the cache to prevent filling oyur disk with garbage. If you want to keep a certain version you can pin it.

import json
from buffy.buffypyclient import BuffyPyClient,ReCachingStrategy,RequestCacheConfiguration

# connect to Buffy-server
c = BuffyPyClient(host="localhost", port=8008, ssl=False)

strategy = ReCachingStrategy.when_remote_changed()
config = RequestCacheConfiguration(recaching_strategy=strategy, max_cached_unpinned_versions=3)
# create a request
req = c.create_request(


# Lets pin the just downloaded version
# in return we also get the current version name
version_name:str =

Tagging a certain version

To make it easier to find certain version you can "tag" them. A tag just a short string you can attach to one or more versions and query it later to recall these versions.

import json
from buffy.buffypyclient import BuffyPyClient,ReCachingStrategy,RequestCacheConfiguration

# connect to Buffy-server
c = BuffyPyClient(host="localhost", port=8008, ssl=False)

strategy = ReCachingStrategy.when_remote_changed()
config = RequestCacheConfiguration(recaching_strategy=strategy, max_cached_unpinned_versions=3)
# create a request
req = c.create_request(


# Lets pin the just downloaded version
# in return we get the current version name
version_name:str = req.tag("my-best-version")

Recall a tagged version

import json
from buffy.buffypyclient import BuffyPyClient,ReCachingStrategy,RequestCacheConfiguration

# connect to Buffy-server
c = BuffyPyClient(host="localhost", port=8008, ssl=False)

# create a request but prevent an immediate ordering with `hold_request_order` 
req = c.create_request(
# We now define which tag we prefere. 
# alternative you can also provide the param `force_tag` 
# `force_tag` raises an error if no version with this tag can be found
# Lets pin the just downloaded version
# In return we also get the current version name, if we want to recall it later.